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You Are Here: Home» » Lesbian Artist: Melanie Ducharme

Melanie Ducharme is a visual artist from Rhode Island. Her work has been described as “an exploration into the female psyche. ”

Melanie’s work explores one’s identity, what makes someone who they are, and why?

Melanie believes that identity can be a role or stereotype. She says that there are identities that are imposed on us and ones we create for ourselves. These identities start when we are young, “what will you be when you grow up?” We incorporate these identities into fairy tales or we see them in the role models that we follow … they shape us into the people that we are or are yet to become.

Melanie has been exhibiting her work since 2001. She is an artist member/volunteer at Gallery X, a cooperative art gallery in New Bedford, and a contributing member of the PopIcon and Cocktail Club podcast.

You can see her work online at her main blog @

Posted 8:00 AM


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